Wednesday, December 29, 2010


'A start' precedes this, so if you're gonna read this, you wanna read that before you read this because it's not going to make a whole lot of sense otherwise.

So I haven't been able to read. I haven't felt like writing. I have found other ways of getting rid of strong negative feelings, like going for a sprint and doing it 2-3 times till I start panting like a dog. It's much better than writing, trust me. Tires you so much that you can't think of anything else. Other examples include going for a drive on NH8. Smoking, of course (somehow doesn't work when I'm alone, I need to be with people, and those people need to be smoking too)

There's been a break so I'm having trouble returning to my original train of thought. I was talking about Spiderman and women and something of that nature. Another thing is that since about 1-2 years, I've started seeing myself as a man and not as a boy. Just mentioning.

So some weird things have been happening lately. I'm very excited about the transition from college life to work life because I think work is gonna be exciting. More details on that later. I'm a little worried about the last semester in IIT but I'll worry myself with that later, when I absolutely have to.

I think I lost my train of thought from when I was talking about Spiderman. Anyway, more later.

A start

Ok, last time I attempted to write something, I ended up writing a paragraph and then deleting it all. So this time I will attempt to write something not caring about what it looks like and if the grammar is correct. This may be a short post as at some point of time I will feel like deleting it and going back to what I was doing before this. At that point, I will click on 'Publish Post' and that will be it. If I can see it getting worthless and feel that I am going to delete this in some time but I'll just keep on writing now, I'll again click on 'Publish post' and continue on a new one. So anyway, life feels like a bitch right now. I've been thinking about a lot of things. Bad things first. Actually I do not want to get into that because it's kind of personal, but I can talk about things generally. If I feel that what I've written is too personal and shouldn't be read by other people, then I may not click on 'Publish post' and you may never see this. I was going to write - 'but since you are, I'm guessing I'm going to sidestep that obstacle' - but the truth is that I honestly do not know how personal this is going to be, and that might make me review this whole thing and not post it at all. Anyway, lets forget that for a moment and let me carry on with my writing. The first bad thing is that I've been suffering from Writers block and Readers block (even if there's no such thing you know what I'm saying, don't crib about correctness, I never wanted to be correct in this post). So I haven't been able to read anything in a long long time. I took a course on Modern Fiction last semester and got an F in that. My total was 37.5 out of 100 and passing was 40 (passing is usually 30) and she failed me because her daddy didn't love her enough. But I digress. What I wanted to say was that I partly read 'One hundred years of solitude' in that course and liked it. I read about 60-70% of it but didn't complete it. I couldn't read any of the other books [each of us was supposed to read a total of 6 books! Full length novels - none of them half as simple as Five point someone or one-tenth as fun as Harry Potter {Yes, I'm a Harry Potter fan. I don't care much for literature. Although it was a bit kiddish and the whole idea of romantic love in the book is this childish idealistic romantic notion of love which is kind of sickening. What the fuck was that chapter '19 years later' doing in the end? Maybe this generation doesn't need to grow up on happy endings. Its sickening because I grew up with it, I expect it as much as I don't want to and I don't get it. Look around you. It's every where. Take Spiderman for example. Why does he see Mary Jane as some kind of an angel even though she's been nothing but a bitch to him. Knowing that he has the hots for her and snogging all these other guys in front of him. First that guy from the bus in the first movie. Then his friend Harry. Then that Air Force guy in the second movie. All she's been is a whore. He shouldn't take that kind of crap from her. He should go around the city literally picking up hot women from the streets, taking them to the top of some building where he's arranged a bed somehow, and they'll be on their backs begging for it. If that doesn't happen, he can always rescue women from some situation (apparently every day, somebody is getting robbed or raped or mugged in New York and every 3 seconds you can hear an ambulance go by. So much so for the financial capital of the richest nation in the world). It's funny that I digressed so much that I started writing something which I actually wanted to write}]

I'm gonna post this now and start afresh.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Webpage counter

I know it says 12000 something but there haven't been that many visits to my blog and I didn't set it to that much. When I put this on, I started it from 0 and some time later it fucked up. I think it should read something between 1000 and 2000.